Welcome to my blog: Community of Practice for Interpreting: the Missing Link


Finally, I have found the time to start my blog. 'Why bother' is the question that comes to mind. There are already so many blogs. Do I really have the time to sit down, write on a regular basis and keep my audience interested? Only time and you my reader will tell.Time is a concept that is highly personal. Some people never have the time, others seem to make the time. I will hopefully make the time, at least this is what I intend to do.

Community of Practice for Interpreting: the missing link will host information, contributions from guests and personal views on the concept of communities of practice, education, interpreting studies and new technology. These areas of interest reflect my professional and research life. 

As an Associate Professor  in interpreting studies at London Metropolitan University and Course Leader for MA Interpreting, MA Conference Interpreting and MA Public Service Interpreting (Health and Legal), I have been fortunate to gain an insight on the benefits of the community of practice model in my teaching.

I am also a PHD student researching communities of practice as a model to enhance interpreting studies, more specifically virtual communities of practice and flexible access to teaching and learning.

Photo Credit: Steve Dale

The concept of Communities of Practice was first introduced by Etienne Wenger. As I am progressing in my professional life, I am convinced that it is the missing link that will enhance partnerships between students, tutors and organisations. It is the missing link that could make the difference between interpreting and translation courses closing or flourishing. As resources are becoming more and more scarce, as people's lives are even more unique and complex than they used to be, the time has come where we need to look at each other, understand what we do, and reach out in new and innovative ways. 

This blog will hopefully provide a space to think, reflect and share ideas about communities of practice for interpreting, reflection on education and applied new technologies. 

Happy reading!

Disclaimer: The views expressed here are the author’s own and should not be taken to represent the official positions of universities, networks or associations. 


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