A Community of Practice: the Public Service Interpreting and Translation Network Group

In my previous post, I presented the three essential ingredients for a Communities of Practice to exist, as presented by Etienne Wenger . However, let's have a quick recap. Remember what they are? - a Domain - a Community - a Practice Excellent, you remember them all. Let's now try and see if these ingredients work 'in real life'. Today, I would like to illustrate the 'theory' with a concrete example: the Public Service Interpreting and Translation Network Group (PSITNG). A few words about the PSITNG; the group was launched in 2008. Founding members of the PSITNG are mostly representatives of the PSIT industry who were consulted during the curriculum design of the new Master's in Public Service Interpreting - MAPSI (Health and Legal ) at London Metropolitan University. As course leader of Master programmes in interpreting, I invested quite a lot of time and energy making sure the MAPSI was meeting t...